• Recruitment must be by an Agent who is duly Registered by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection through the National Employment Authority (NEA).Details of registered Agents are provided at https://neaims.go.ke/EmploymentAgencylist.aspx .
  • Ensure you request for proof of valid certificate of registration of the Agent and verify the same via NEA website.
  • Avoid dealing with illegal sub-agents and brokers.
  • The Employment Contract must be in English and must be duly authenticated by the recruiting agent and State Department of Labour, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.
  • Carefully read the Employment Contract and ensure you fully understand the terms and conditions of employment.
  • Ensure you undergo any mandatory pre- departure training at the duly accredited training institutions
  • Do not pay any fees to the recruitment agent before counterchecking with the National Employment Authority at https://neaims.go.ke/
  • Complaints on labour contract should be directed to the Principal Secretary, State Department of Labour, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and copy to Director General, National Employment Authority (NEA)on

Tel: 254 (020) 785 5746 /254(020)7855747

Email: info@nea.go.ke

Check before departure

  • Ensure you have a Passport with validity of at least six (6) months.
  • Secure a valid Visa/Pass which must be stamped on your passport or accompany your Passport. Confirm that your Visa is for the category for which you applied.
  • Always keep a photocopy of your Passport and Visa.
  • You must possess a copy of the Employment Contract signed by you and your foreign employer duly attested by the State Department for Labour, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.
  • Acquaint yourself with local Labor Laws, working and living conditions of the intended country of employment.
  • Acquire the contacts (address, telephone, email) of Kenya’s Diplomatic representation in the intended country of employment.

In the country of your employment

  • Secure custody of your Passport and signed Employment Contract at all times. Provide copies of the same to your Next of Kin.
  • Do not sign any other Employment Contract or any blank paper.
  • Upon arrival, register with Kenya’s Diplomatic Representation as provided for in your Passport and avail a copy of your Passport and Employment Contract via email. This is mandatory to facilitate Consular Services at the earliest possible.
  • In the event of loss or damage of Passport, notify Kenya’s Diplomatic Representation immediately.
  • Ensure your Employer processes a Resident/Work Permit.
  • Fully comply with the Labour Laws including restraint to participate in strikes, protests or agitations which maybe illegal and therefore lead to arrest, imprisonment and or deportation.
  • In the event of breach of contract including delay or nonpayment of wages or compensation thereof, or any complain, inform Kenya’s Diplomatic Representation.

Customs formalities

  • Personal baggage: Please cooperate with the Customs staff at the point of entry.
  • Dealing in narcotics and or any other illegal drugs and substances attract punitive measures. Do not carry any unconfirmed package in your personal luggage or for somebody else.
  • Do not accept any unchecked parcel from anyone.


  • Prior to departure familiarise with local religious laws and regulations
  • Be sensitive to local religious practices and customs




316 Upperhill Chambers 12th floor. Second Ngong Avenue, Off Ngong Road, Nairobi



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